Blog Post + Sidebar Positioning

Hello. My blog content (posts and sidebar) is not centered. There is more white space on the right side. Please help.

Also, this is my site


Hi there

This is your blog post: Simon and the Whale – NYC Tours, NYC Travel & Tourism and NYC Travel Blogger
I cant see any white space, can you provide me a screenshot or good refference?


Hello. Yes, it is… Please see attached screenshot. The space on both sides of the blog content are not even. I’d love to perfectly center the content on the page? Thanks.

Hi there

not at all, content is evenly distributed in the center by the code and there

Sorry but there is no way to do this and in my opinion, there is nothing to worry about this since this is no problem


Ok, thank you.

Any chance you know of some code I can use to move the content over to the right a bit more?



Yes, I know, here is the code:

@media (min-width: 1200px){
.single-post .container {
position: relative;
left: 55px;

But I don’t recommend to do this, you have perfectly aligned post content, you are damaging it :slight_smile:

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