blurry featured images after update


all my featured images on home page seems too be blurry on mozilla and while using chrome and microsoft egde they look horrible (difficult too say blurry:) yesterday all worked fine…
all my images were cropped to 770x370 before upload or uploaded in original size 1778x1191 (while image horizontal).
What to do to make them sharp again?

and last but not least - on categories, archives or tag pages don’t look good - with two big images and rest small and cut oddly and all unfortunately in one column so you need to scroll and scroll… - before update all were the same (big) size - it was acceptable but not super as on main page

I tried to use code to create 2 column category archive (#post-66701) but didn’t work…

how to create ALL archives with two columns thumbnails images (category, tag, search result…)

all best,

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

I have checked your page and the images do not appear blurry on Firefox or Chrome. Could you please clear your browser and WordPress cache to see if that clears up the blurriness?

Here is a WordPress cache plugin:

There is an issue regarding the image sizes in the theme because of the recent WordPress update and we are currently working on an update for the theme to fix this

Best Regards,

Hi again,
wp super cache is installed and “on” all the time. I’ve cleared all browsers and no change. Images are OUT OF FOCUS, especially in chrome, not only in computer but also on mobile devices.
Pls take a look at featured image opening each post and comapare with images added as media or gallery - they are fine. you will see the diffrence…
Yesterday didn’t look like this…
best wishes,

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

I have attached an image of one of the posts that I inspected.The images do appear fine to me but please tell me if this is what you are seeing.

Best Regards,

images in posts are fine:) there is no problem with them,
pls take a look at the home page or any category page (all photos of recent posts, not slider), without clicking particular posts

best regards,

Hi @beata,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

This has been an issue for a number of users lately, and the thread on the GitHub linked below was started to report the issue and a resolution was suggested which seems to work for a number of persons and should help to resolve the issue:

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


the problems reported in issue above concern image size…and I don’t have problems with it.

only with quality of images on main page - those which announce each recent post.

Pls take a look at my page

on mozilla nad chrome

all best,

Hi there,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

For image quality issues, we usually recommend Regenerate Thumbnails. Have a look at the plugin linked below:

In regards to the image size issue on the categories, archives or tag pages, the thread in the GitHub link above is the only official solution we have to this issue.

For creating two columns on your archive pages you may use the code below in Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

.archive {
    width: 49%!Important;
    display: inline-flex!important;

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


first of all THANK YOU for the code to make 2 columns archive - works great and hope it will work like this 4ever:)

I haven’t regenerated thumbnails using force plugin yet for I worry sth might go wrong and affect images and galleries in posts…should I worry???:slight_smile:

I’m going to make my child theme and try to follow the resolution you suggested previously to avoid blurry featured images on my homepage:)

all best,
and have a great weekend:)

Hi there,
Thanks for keeping in touch with us.

Regen Thumbnails resizes your images based on the size that the images are supposed to be. Basically, it looks for your images and checks the bad ones and then fixes them based on the specified sizes in either WordPress, the theme or CSS.

I hope this helps :slight_smile:

Best Regards,


i’ve created child theme and used code for content.php from, reloaded first two images and there is no change

images on main page are still blurry…especially in chrome - pls take a look

maybe i’m still doing sth wrong, pls help!:slight_smile:

best wishes,