Breadcrumb code?

Hey folks…

Anyone kno exactly which file in shapely theme to put breadcrumbs code? Id it the single php file? :slight_smile:


cheers 4 reply…

sorry but are you saying I can ask the chat feature somehwre? :slight_smile:

Hi there.

You can use this plugin to get the file name: What The File – WordPress plugin |


ok thanks.

so by downloading that - how do I work out which file to put the breadcrumbs file in?

ta :slight_smile:

Hi there

The plugin will identify the file containing the breadcrumb function, and then you can proceed to work on that file. Please be aware that this requires basic knowledge of web development.


Hi @ishi_444

Thanks for your input, :slight_smile:

I will mark this case as closed for now, feel free to start a new ticket.
