Broken anchor links

Hi, I’m having some trouble with broken anchor links in a few of our [blogs such as this] (the bullet-pointed list should jump to corresponding points further on) following an update. The links are correct (if you copy the link and paste it into the browser bar, it works).

The offending code is from the Illdy theme’s smoothScrollAnchors() function in illdy/layout/js/scripts.js. The intended effect is to smoothly scroll to the anchor position but clearly has just broken the anchors instead.

I’d really appreciate any insight into fixing this issue!

Hi there

Sorry about that, this problem has been already reported, you can use this plugin before we fix it: Page scroll to id – WordPress plugin |



I installed Page scroll to id but the anchors are still broken.

Could you please have another solution?



In this case you need to contact to the plugin author@lisav1 probably you have a broken setting


The suggested plugin only allows for smooth scrolling but doesn’t fix links.

The links work as they should only when clicked through View Source but do not translate to the live page.

Is there anything from Illdy/Elementor which could be overriding the links?