Bug in "Nova" - how to fix it?

there is a bug in “Nova” template on a mobile device. I can’t open the “Dropdown” menu in Firefox nor Chrome, on the PC it works fine. Any idea how to fix it??

Have a look at www.ryu-to-tora.cz.

Another issue is in “Testimonials” sections - the arrow to scroll (on the right) is outside the screeen and as a result the whole page is scrollable to the right, which is not nice. But the menu issue worries me more.

Thanks, David

Looks like this is the fix:

.sec-1.bg-circle {
position: relative; }
.sec-1.bg-circle:before {
left: -200px;
top: 200px;
position: absolute;
z-index: -1;
content: “”;
background-image: url(“…/images/circle.png”);
//width: 654px; // This causes issues on mobile devices, replaced with the following two
min-width: calc(100vw + 200px);
max-width: 654px;
height: 389px; }