Buttons on Jumbotron area should go to appropriate area(s) on the page

I have a “Learn More” button and a “Contact Us” button. The “Learn More” button should go to the About Us section lower on the page. The “Contact Us” button should go to the contact area with the contact us form at the bottom of the page. The documentation for Illdy did not say how to do this, nor did it automatically do this as is done on other themes I’ve used. Please help. :slight_smile:

Website: www.Wheelchairsetc.net

Hi there

Use this link for contact us section: #contact-us and this link for about us: #about

Thank you, I entered those and published the changes. They still don’t seem to do anything. I’ve tried on my computer as well as my iPhone. I click the button and nothing happens besides the “Contact Us” button turns grey.

My bad!! I had capital “A” in About and “C” & “U” in Contact-Us.

Thank you for your help!!

Howdy :slight_smile:

So, is this fixed for now? :slight_smile:

Yes! Thank you!! :slight_smile:

Hi, there

I will close this case now, Feel free to contact us again if you have other questions
