Can you do a slider in the Jumbotron/Hero Image area or no?

I’ve scoured the forums, watched all the videos (which are now out of date due to the recent update to the theme), but I can’t seem to find a consistent answer.
Does Illdy support a slider in place of the Jumbotron image/hero image or not?

The demo page says “You can add as many images as you want to the main header area and turn them into slider” but what does that mean? Which main header area?

The Jumbotron options in the Customizer allow you to add or remove a single image, not multiples. And if I’m trying to have a one-page layout, where the only other “pages” are the Blog and perhaps a Contact page, it shouldn’t matter whether I have multiple featured images/header images for posts, the blog archive, etc.

Since Illdy also doesn’t seem to support shortcodes from other slider plugins, can this be done or not? I know a lot of people are asking for it.

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

The Jumbotron by default does not support multiple images and cannot be used as a slider however you could add the slider functionality by editing the theme.

Please have a look at the following discussion that explains how you can make the changes:
Replace with slider

I would recommend using a child theme for the changes.

Best Regards,