Change excerpt text tipe (Bold, italics ... )

Hi, I tried this topic but I could not find it in the forum.

Despite changing the text of the post , modifying it with bold , italics , and more excerpt that appears on the main page does not change .

Even if I go to the head with a phrase , nothing changes . I hope to be more clear thanks to the photo that I am attaching .

As you can see , although there is the bold , italic and more , the excerpt does not change .

How can I do?

Thank you


Do you use YOAST BY SEO? If you use it, you have to write what you want to see in your excerpt in the last schedule called “Riassunto” or “Summary” (You will find it in italian if you use Wordpress in Italian :wink: ) Remember to use html codes if you need bold, italic and so on.

Thanks for the answer. But I still can not solve the problem .

With Yoast can edit the excerpt only what appears on google. Is not it?

I see only this. ( I include photos. )

I want change the excerpt in the main page of Blog.


not here, below: Dropbox - File Deleted

write in “Riassunto” :wink: