Change Page Title

My site ( is running Wordpress 5.9.3 with Sparkling theme 2.4.9. I have ‘The Events Calendar’ plugin version installed. The events URL slug is The page currently shows a title of ‘Untitled’. How do I change the title on this page to ‘Events’? I opened a ticket with ‘The Events Calendar’ and they indicated this has something to do with the theme and not the plugin. I do not have a Wordpress page titled ‘Events’.

Thank you.

Hi there

Create WordPress page with the name of Events and add your events with shortcode to that page


Hi, @colorlibsupport,

The Events Calendar plugin overrides/supersedes the page titled ‘Events’, so unfortunately the steps you provided do not work. Please advise.

Thank you.

Hi there

Ok, try this css code in this case:

.post-type-archive-tribe_events h1.entry-title:after {
    content: "Events";
    visibility: visible;
    position: absolute;
    left: 40px;
.post-type-archive-tribe_events h1.entry-title {
    visibility: hidden;


Hi, @colorlibsupport,

The CSS you provided resolved the issue.

Thank you!

Hi there

Ah, that’s nice to hear :slight_smile:
