Changing subfolder files via WordPress Child Theme for Unite

I’m using a child theme for Unite and I’m trying to modify one of the php includes to use a different font awesome icon.

I’m trying to change $output .= unite_social_item(of_get_option(‘social_skype’), ‘Skype’, ‘skype’); to $output .= unite_social_item(of_get_option(‘social_skype’), ‘Yelp’, ‘yelp’); but its located in asub folder that I can’t same to edit on the child theme. In the parent theme it works but it’s overwritten everytime the theme is updated.

Please advise. Thanks!

I found this but it relates to asking the theme developer how the extras.php file (found within the inc folder) is deque’d.

Few minutes ago I pushed Unite theme update to Github which is now much more Child Theme friendly.

It will take up to two weeks for this update to reach as one update is already under review and should go live sometime soon.

I have added functions_exists check for Unite theme and here you can read more how you can use them.

Let me know if you need any further assistance.