Checkbox and Radio appears as lines on Contact Form

Hi! I’m having trouble with the contact form, the checkboxes and radio buttons appears as lines. You can see it better on the first image attached.
I searched the forum and the only thing I found that helped was adding this on the css customizaation:

The checkbox apppears now, but everything seens to be on the wrong place. There’s a image attached about that too.

My form lines are:

<label> Seu nome
[text* your-name] </label>
<label> Quem virá?
[checkbox* rsvp exclusive “Apenas eu” “Todos” “Outro”]</label>

[submit “Enviar”]

The address of the site is

Thank you in advance, the theme is really beautiful!

I have the same issue. Did you find a solution?

Hi! This helped me:

/conserta e alinha checkbox/
width: 20px;
height: 40px;