Choosing posts to appear in featured slider

Hi! One big problem I noticed with the Dazzling theme when compared to your Travelify theme is that I can’t choose the posts (featured image) to be displayed on the slider. In the travelify theme I could use the post id to diplay the posts on the slider. Moreover I can only display posts from a particular category which makes the feature pretty much useless for someone who blogs on random topics. Please can you provide any solution to this? Any help will be much appreciated.

  1. You can assign the same post to multiple categories. For example, you can create first post categorized under “Tutorials” and create another category, let’s say, “Slider”. Now you post another post categorized under “News” and again under “Slider”. Now you have two posts in different categories and you can still both of them within slider by choosing “Slider” category.

  2. Other option is to create slider by using HTML code that would directly replace existing slider function. Here is an example.

OK thank you very much. Manually assigning the image is a nice idea and would give the site a cleaner look but editing the php file every now and then can be a prob :D. So I guess I’ll have to follow your new category idea. I intend to display only the popular/important posts on the slider. So maybe I should simply add a new category called Popular posts (which the users also will find useful).

But I have a doubt. How does WordPress arrange items in the ‘popular posts’ widget? Does it use PHP to pull the post details from the DB? If that’s the case, isn’t it possible to use the same bit of code to output the post details into the index.php file?

Btw, great work. I settled for the Dazzling theme after searching around a lot and I really like it. Thank you!

Popular posts widget is based on number of views and these stats are stored inside database wp_postmate table with meta_key name post_views_count.

You can check example how I have output them in widget and try to use it in slider but I don’t think it would be a good idea because you wouldn’t have to a chance to control which post is show as first, second etc. By that I am saying that not most popular posts are usually the ones you want to highlight the most.

Thank you for your feedback!