Contact section label change to other language


Is there a way to change the lable on the Contact section so that I could have it in the same language as the page is? I am talking about Phone, Email and Address on the left side of the contact form.

Br, Peter

Good morning

Yes, you have to translate theme strings just like you translate WordPress theme to any other languages, you can use translation plugins like Polylang or any other method including Poedit

Good morning Noda,

I would only need to have that one section translated, not create a new page with another language. I understand Polylang creates a new page in another language. You can find the page at

Br, Peter


I hope you are doing well today.

In this case, you can try to translate the form using this plugin:

Best Regards,


file: [class-shapely-home-contact.php]

Here you have those stringsā€¦


Thank you for sharing solution

Can we close this ticket now?

I think so.


Thank you :slight_smile:
case closed