Counter section

Hi, the numbers in the counter section just suddenly disappeared from this world.
Any clue how I could get them to show again? Really liked the function.

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can try using the following plugin to delete the WordPress cache then refresh the page:

Could you please provide a link to your website so that I can inspect it?

Best Regards,

Hello there,

Thanks for the link.

I checked the website and the counter appeared and it works. Please try clearing your browser cache as the page may be using an outdated cached version of the page.

Best Regards,

Hello, I’m having similar problem. I tried clearing the cache but it did not help. I went to the website linked above and I could not see his counter either. This is a mystery to me because:

  1. Console in Chrome dev tools didn’t show any error.
  2. The network tab shows no failed requests to get assets.
  3. The element “counter-number” is there with the right data-* attributes, but there’s nothing inside the <span></span>

Here is a link to my website:

On my site, the counter is working on MS Edge browser but not on Google Chrome.

Hello there,

@vleong2332 I can see your counter also. I am using Google Chrome.

What Operating System are you using? Mac or Windows?

Please try clearing the cache in your browser.

Best Regards,

Hey, Support.

Thanks for replying. I was able to fix it by replacing the main.min.js in the plugin folder with the one given here

If my assumption is right, even though it works, it’s not an ideal solution because now the minified js file is different than the main.js. Also, it could be overridden if Illdy has an update.

Hello there,

That is true, unless you have been using using a child theme.

Here is a plugin that allows you to make child themes easily:

Best Regards,

I have been using a child theme. I created layout/js/plugins.min.js in my child theme folder and tried to override parent’s (illdy’s) without success. The network tells me that the file is fetched from Illdy theme folder, not the child’s.

This is what I wrote in child’s functions.php:

function illdy_plugin_fix() { wp_dequeue_script( 'illdy-plugins' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'illdy-child-plugins', get_template_directory_uri() . '/layout/js/plugins.min.js', array( 'jquery' ), '1.0.16', true ); } <code></code>
Added that into add_action() too.

Any idea why?