Create a Onepager - how to add Content (page)?

Hi there

I am in the process of creating a onepager with Shapely. Now I would like to insert, similar to the demo version, after another parallax section another textcontent.

Currently I have a parallax after the header then the home page followed by a parallax and then the footer.

Who can help quickly?

Many greetings from Germany, Janina.

Hi Janina

Ok, I’ve got you but can you tell me what is your question or problem? is something not working as it should?



I want another content section after the second parallax section. I tried to use the page content widget (show if, page is (choosed a site)) but it doens’t work. Just if I choose “home page” then it will be shown. But of course I don’t want the double content but a new/different content.

How do I proceed here?


is no one here who can answer my question, please?

I need help quickly.

Thank you and regards