Custom CSS disappeared

I’m running Child Theme 3.07. Back in older versions of Travelify, I had added many custom CSS lines to tweak my site. Today I looked at the Additional CSS box, and it was blank – all those customizations are gone. The site still looks as it has for years, so the CSS must still exist somewhere. I tried activating the main Travelify theme, thinking maybe the code still lived there from before I switched to the Child Theme–but that CSS box is blank, too.

Where did this custom CSS go? I don’t want to one day update and lose it all.


Answering my own question (sort of). I just found all my missing CSS code under “Travelify Other Options.”

So next question: Why are there two separate places to enter custom CSS code (Travelify Other Options and Additional CSS)?

Hi there

Thank you for the update :slight_smile:
I will answer on your second question, Appearance > customize > additional CSS if by WordPress and CSS in options panel is from our theme, we added it before additional CSS was added in the WordPress

Ah, thank you.

Hi There,

You are most welcome.

Feel free to let me know in case something else comes up :slight_smile: