Custom CSS for cover block link color and text

Dear Sirs,

First thank you for your wonderful work, I am creating my first wordpress website, I’m a small business owner, and I loved Travelify.

I’m new in WordPress and I would like to change the cover block link color to white, but I was unable to find how to do it. My website links are blue, I don’t want to change all my links to blue, just the cover block links.

I tried this:

Blockquote .
.wp-block-cover-text {
color: $white;
a:active {
color: #ffffff;

It didn’t work.

I would love to have cover blocks with white text and white links, without underline. Is there an easy way, without plug-ins, using custom css to do it? My website is not online now, it’s local in my computer.

Thanks in advance,

P.S.: this is the cover block with blue link and underline, I wish to have white without underline, underline only in hover.

Hey there

Let me see it, please provide a direct link to the section and I will generate custom css for you :slight_smile:

Dear ColorlibSupport,

Finally I was able to upload a draft of my website. Here is the Test Page I did to show you my issues.
I’m not sure If I’m able to ask everything in this thread, if you wish, I could start another thread.

  1. I wish the link would be without underscore only in the cover block.
  2. Sometimes the link is coming in blue, as per the site settings, but sometimes it is turning black/gray, as can be seen on this page, at the bottom:
  3. The title of recent posts is coming with the link in black, not blue as I would like.
  4. There is a “dot” at the left of the featured images, I think it’s because it’s a list, but I do not want it. How to remove this dot?

Thanks in advance,
PS.: the slider is not working, I’m using another one.

Hi there

  1. please add this css code in the Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:
.entry-content a:not(.wp-block-button__link) {
    text-decoration: none;
  1. can be fixed by this custom css:
a {
    color: #57ad68 !important;
  1. where exactly? please include a link and reference
  2. its a blog post but I cant see any dot at the left of the featured image:


Dear Colorlib Support,

Thank you very much for your kind and quick answer.

  1. I’ve tried your css, but it didn’t worked. I would like the link at the cover block to be wihite without underline, if possible.

  2. It worked but the site title now is not white as it was before, it also changed the color of the main menu, as seen at this picture below. Is there a way to do it without changing the color of the menu and site’s title?

  3. The link to the exact page is

  4. I was referencing to the “latest posts block” as seen at the page
    Like the picture below:

Below the image with the original colors and all the custom css I’ve used in order to try to help you understand:

CUSTOM CSS AT 27.11.2021:

/* HEADER - blue background*/
.wrapper header#branding {
background-color: #00ace6;
border-top-right-radius: 30px;
border-top-left-radius: 30px;


/* Site description white */
#site-description {
font: 14px helvetica, sans-serif;
line-height: 20px;
color: #FFFFFF;
font-weight: 200;

/* Gold border at main menu and increase text shadow - visibility*/

#main-nav {
border-top: 5px solid #FFC000;

text-outline: #000000;
text-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);


/* Diminuir espaço menu */
.menu-item a {
margin: 0px;
margin-right: -1px;
margin-left: -1px;


/* Remove AUTHOR from posts */
.entry-meta-bar .author {
display: none;

/* Remove underline from cover link */

.entry-content a:not(.wp-block-button__link) {
text-decoration: none;

/* Remove underline from button and change background color */

.entry-content a:not(.wp-block-button__link) {
text-decoration: underline;

.entry-content .wp-block-button__link {
font-size: medium;
text-decoration: none;
border: 1p;
border-color: #00ace6;
background: #00ace6;

/* button hover change background color to orange */
.entry-content .wp-block-button a:hover {
color: #ffffff;
background: #ffc000;
border: 1p;
border-color: #ffc000;


/* test custom css*/

/* tira repetição titulo post acima da imagem*/
.entry-meta-bar.clearfix .readmore {
visibility: visible;

.entry-meta-bar.clearfix .entry-meta {
visibility: visible;
.entry-meta-bar.clearfix {
visibility: hidden;
#text {
visibility: hidden;

article {
visibility: hidden;
article * {
visibility: visible;
header.entry-header, .entry-content, .entry-meta-bar {
background: white;

Thank you in advance for your kind attention,