Custominsing homepage - won't load

Hi - I’m trying to customise my homepage widgets - it’s a shapely theme. When I click on the customise option, then one of the edit icons - the shapely parallax widget sections are just endlessly loading and I can’t edit anything. Need some support please colorlib. ASAP please. My site is Thanks

Hey there,

Could you send me a screenshot of the problem? I’m having trouble reproducing it.


Hi - of course - here you are

Hey there,

sorry about that, please test for plugin conflicts, you can do this by deactivating all third-party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.


Hi - deactivated the plugins systematically - no change.

However, what I have noticed is that it’s only on the parralax section on the front page. When I deactivated the ‘Shapely Companion’ the parralax section disappears completely

Hey there,

Thats expected behavior because those widgets are part of the shapely companion.

Can you please provide admin details to check the problem from the backend? you can DM me admin details.


Hi - I’ve emailed login details to [email protected] the email assoc with your user badge, I don’t know how to DM on this forum - if that’s incorrect, please let me know how to DM :slight_smile: Many thanks

Hi - can you please let me know how to DM you or if you have received the email sent with login details?
Many thanks,