Customization Questions for Activello WordPress theme

Hi there,

I have a couple of questions I am hoping someone may be able to assist with, as I can’t find the info anywhere else.

  1. Thanks for an amazing theme, I love it!!

  2. How can I minimise the white space in the header area. I have uploaded my logo but would like to decrease the amount of space above and below it - are you able to direct me to the part of the css code to do this please?

  3. Where does the ‘social menu’ sit on the site - I can’t see it anywhere even after creating the menu and I can’t see it on the demo either. I would ideally like a menu option to sit below my logo and before the slider. Is that possible?

  4. Is there an optimal size for slider images - I’d like them to all be the same size but can’t see how to customise this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Hi @skippinggirl,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your questions.

2. How can I minimise the white space in the header area. I have uploaded my logo but would like to decrease the amount of space above and below it – are you able to direct me to the part of the css code to do this please?

Could you please share me your site URL where it’s displaying so that i can help you?

3. Where does the ‘social menu’ sit on the site – I can’t see it anywhere even after creating the menu and I can’t see it on the demo either.

The Social icons are displayed in the sidebar and in the footer of theme as shown in this demo site Activello Theme Demo - Just another site

Please make sure you have configured it correctly as described in the section “How To Activate Social Media Icons” on the below page.

I would ideally like a menu option to sit below my logo and before the slider. Is that possible?

You will have to develop custom code to achieve this.

Developing custom code for custom functionality is beyond the scope of support that we provide here.

If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site. Colorlib recommends the developer

4. Is there an optimal size for slider images – I’d like them to all be the same size but can’t see how to customise this?

The optimal slider image size is 1920px X 550px which is used in the slider on demo site here Activello Theme Demo - Just another site

Best Regards,


since the last update I am facing some problem :

  • first my search bar is not working anymore.
  • when i click on an category on the slide bar, a page with the category appeard but there is no article linked.
  • same with the “cloud label”

do you have a way to resolve that ?


@kamille Let’s resolve your issues on your following separate topic.