Czech font package for web template

Hi there,
I downloaded web template “Accounting” and it doesn´t work with czech language package. For exmple instead of “Můžete” is “M��ete”. Is there some place to set the web language? I tried with and also tried to change body font type to Roboto, which is compatible with CS symbols, but it doesn´t help. Thank you

Hi there

May I see it?
please provide URL of your website with this problem and I will review it


I haven´t publish it yet. Sending some printscreeen…
Thank you for help

Hi there

I need to see the live website, without it I cant debug it.
You can post it here once you publish


Hi there

Sorry for the delay, I just verified it and as I can see characters are entered directly in the template, there is no problem in the template, you need to edit these tets in the HTML files: Screenshot by Lightshot
