Did not receive the download link after subscribing

Hello, I attempted to download a free contact form at this link:
Contact Form V10 - Free Full-Screen Contact Form 2023 - Colorlib
I subscribed with my email address on the pop-up window/form but did not receive the link to download the template.
…And no, it’s not in my spam folder, and I have received three other emails from your system, so it’s not a spam rule conflict.

Please send the link, thank you.

I also tried downloading another template and was redirected to a link that gave me a 403 error.

Promising a freebie and not delivering is not the way to get me or others to purchase a premium form or theme.

Hi there

I just tried and it worked for me, please try again, and if you still have any issues I will provide it by Email.


Thank you for updating the link. It now allows a direct download once an email address has been entered and the checkbox to subscribe has been checked. Previously the message after subscribing said that a link would be emailed.


Okay, that’s good :slight_smile:

Let me know if you need anything else.


Hey there

I will close this case, please start a new ticket if anyone has any questions.
