Difference between nothing found vs 404 error pages?


I switched to Unite for woocommerce integration. This has meant moving from tags to product_tags and I now have many instances of tags that are no longer used. This has presented a problem. If I visit a url for a tag that has never existed, I see the “Oops! That page cannot be found” (404 page) eg:


However, when I visit the url of a tag that has previously been used but no longer exists, instead of a 404 I am presented with the “Nothing Found” page.


This is being returned as a soft 404 in Google Webmaster Tools. Is there any way to resolve this?

Nothing Found is returned when tag still exists (posts tagged with this tag are deleted but tag still exists). It is like empty page that is still there and is waiting for content that might be added later and could be used as reference.

“Oops! That page cannot be found” (404 page) means that it is not there and nothing is supposed to be there. WordPress will return this error each time you will call for page that doesn’t exist at all.

Of course, obvious now that you mention it. Easily remedied too.

Thank you Aigars and my apologies for taking up your time.