different default color per page


i want to configure 4 pages with different default colors.
the logo have 4 colors which i want to use for different sections on the website. ( http://www.werkstatt-malsch.de/graphiks/Logo_Familienzentrum_large.jpg )

is there a simple way to make it possible?

kind regards


It is not possible to customize colors for each page separately via Theme Options as all changes are applied globally. However, is is really easy to change colors writing some custom CSS for these pages. In this case you need to first setup all your pages, add necessary elements and then change colors for these pages separately.

If you have no idea how to get this done, just make everything online and complete and notify me what color you want to use on which page and I will help you from there.


color 1: #d9534f
color 2: #ffc900
color 3: #ff8f00
color 4: #8cd000
color 5: #00aef0

Unfortunately, that’s not how it works. I need to know to which element (button, title, text, header, menu item) I need to apply these colors.

Element this - color this
Element that - color that.

i want to color all green stuff on page one with #d9534f
on page two with color #ffc900 and so on.

i hoped there are a default variable for the color.
please make not to much work with it.
i will try some other ideas.