Different featured image on each page, Its posible?

Hello, I have installed pixova lite, pico a lite seems ideal for my page, but when I want to change the featured image on another page and make it different from the one in the header, the new image does not load and the same initial image always appears, what can I do? I have tried to rescale the images etc and nothing, any recommendation? Thank you

Hi there

Please provide url of the website and steps to replicate the issue


Thanks for answering, I have uninstalled the template and not waste more time, maybe later because I like the scroll effect, currently my site in terms of the header images of each page are static but different www.miguelmgaspar.com
In any case, the question was whether it is possible to have a different featured image on each page.
thanks again

Hi there

Usually, there are no featured images for pages in WordPress, they are available for posts only :slight_smile:
So, I guess you resolved your problem, I will mark this case as closed now
