Disable Excerpts on Post


How do we code to disable forced Excerpts on posts when using “Show latest posts” as home page.

I want to display full content on the sticky post and regular excerpts on the rest.


Inside content.php file replace this part of code

<div class="col-sm-6">
	<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php else : ?>
	<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Wit this one:

<div class="col-sm-6">
	<?php if ( is_sticky() ) {
	} else {
	} ?>
<?php else : ?>
	<?php if ( is_sticky() ) {
	} else {
	} ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Now content will be displayed in full length for sticky posts but for regular posts it will use excerpt like it is before.

Let me know if this helps.

Hi, i have the same problem. I am absolutely new with all these codes(need to mention). I made static front page blank, how you described in some other question thema, and its works. But, still, when i click on category, all post in category are listed, but excerpts mode. I like to see all posts in full content.
I tried to find content.php, but i cant find it in editor. there are only: content-leftsidebar.php; content-nosidebar.php; and content-rightsidebar.php.
Please, can you explain to me how to get full content posts when i click on some category? Thanks.

P.S. i am on Travelify theme, not on this one…Sorry. But same question.



This thread is not related to your problem and you are also using a different theme. However, I have got you covered and you can find more information about how to fix your problem here on this thread.


I implemented the said code.

Its working now.
Love the work you guys are doing here!

Thank you!