Double images on post pages

LS, First of all: thanks for a great theme!
I’m trying to set up a new blog site and run into the following two issues:

  • 1. When opening up an individual blogpost it shows the image twice - i.e. that is right above the post itself and in the post. Like here: What did I do wrong and how can i correct this issue?
  • 2. In an earlier topic ( you told to add the image code right above or below the functions lines. As I'd like to have a static image for my blog homepage, my question is: what would the code look like? Just to avoid any misunderstanding.
  • Thanks for your time!
  1. Image above post is featured image but one inside your post content was added by yourself.

If you don’t want to use featured image you can remove this code from content-single.php

<?php the_post_thumbnail( 'dazzling-featured', array( 'class' => 'thumbnail' )); ?>

  1. There is no science for a static image. A simple img tag will get the job done.

<img src="">