Duplicating the homepage to be used as another page is going to be difficult as the theme uses widgets but you can try this:
Inside your Wordpress Dashboard, go to Appearance > Editor and choose homepage.php
Copy the contents into a text file and rename it then add a Template Name on top of the code.
Upload this PHP file to the wp-content/themes/Dazzling/ folder using FTP.
Back in your Dashboard, go to Pages > Add New. On the right panel, choose the New Template you’ve added.
Publish and view the page. It should resemble your Home page but the widgets may not work in this case.
This is where the issue comes in, the slider and posts code would need to be rewritten to work on multiple pages so you would need a third party developer to make these changes, one of which you can find here: https://colorlib.com/out/envatostudio
This is where the issue comes in, the slider and posts code would need to be rewritten to work on multiple pages so you would need a third party developer to make these changes, one of which you can find here: https://colorlib.com/out/envatostudio
This is where the issue comes in, the slider and posts code would need to be rewritten to work on multiple pages so you would need a third party developer to make these changes, one of which you can find here: https://colorlib.com/out/envatostudio