Easy Boostrap Short Code Isn't working at sidebar

Hello Aigars,

Great theme…

I’m just a having problem with Easy Boostrap Shortcode Plug in…
as you can see on my website .
Placing the shortcode directly to the page works, but as I place it on widget, it only shows the text and not the actual button…

I’ve read your support forum to see if someone has this similar problem and ended up to this topic
I’d like to use this approach, the problem is I’m not expert at coding …

I have also configured the EBS setting as you mentioned here
but still no lack…

What do you think should I do to fix this problem…
Thanks in advance for the help…


By default WordPress doesn’t allow you to execute shortcodes in widgets but it can be enabled by adding this simple function/filter inside functions.php file. It can be added via Child Theme functions.php file as well if you use one.

Here is this magical function/filter:

add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

wow… it really is a magic, it worked! thank you very much Aigars…