Easy Google Fonts em, li


I would like to change the color of em and li into normal black. Currently it is grey. For example here: Kombucha Inhaltsstoffe – Was steckt drin? | fermen-tiert

I need the Font Control CSS Selectors to acess these fonts.

Thank you.

Hi there

You can use this selectors:

.shapely-content ul li {

.shapely-content em {



thank you. It works partially.

I have changed li to color #0f0f0f, em too. But here it doesn´t work completly. Why?

The url Was ist Kefir und wie schmeckt Kefir? | fermen-tiert

Thank you!


The reason is that it also contains ordered list, lets update your code little bit:

.shapely-content ul li, .shapely-content ol li {
color: #0f0f0f;


thank you. The code is working. But not on this site…
Fairment Kombucha Starterkit – Test | fermen-tiert


Yes, i see, this this code instead:

.entry-content ul li, .entry-content ol li {
    color: #0f0f0f !important;