ERR: The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below


First of all, thank your for that great theme.

My issue is that I’m getting the following error “The backup of this post in your browser is different from the version below” on page and post edit screen. the only customization I added to the theme is the jet pack infinite scroll type, container and post_per_page.

This is a fresh install of wordpress 4.4.2, on witch i installed shapely + content, latest jetpack plugin 3.9.6 , latest yoast plugin 3.1.2, and imports plugins.

Am I the only one to get that error message ?

Do you have any idea, where does it come from ?

Thanks a lot for your time,

Greetings from France.


Hey Hey !

I did a little digging, and found that in extras.php in function shapely_admin_style()
the style of the notice wrapper is set to “display: block” regardless to the fact that it can be hidden so it displays it anyway.

<div id=“local-storage-notice” class=“hidden notice”>

hope that helps ^^

thanks again for the theme, can’t wait for a bit of documentation.


Hi Dogan,

I hope you are well today and thanks for posting here.

I could confirm the issue on my test site and notified the theme developer about it so that it can be fixed.

In the meanwhile you can try fixing this by using the attached small plugin specially developed for you that contains some custom code.

We are creating the theme documentation and i hope it will be available for you ASAP.

Best Regards,