Exclude featured slider post from blog page?

Hi Aigars,
First of all, thanks for your theme.

I have problems with the slideshow, i have dissabled it. but i would like to actívate it if you could help me.

  • I have a HOME page, wich i only want to see there the menú with the slideshow.
    -> If i do that, in the POST-MENÚ, also appers the slideshow.

My Problem: I only want to show the ” SLIDESHOW” on the “HOME” page, not in the post page.

I have tried a lot of things, créate a new HOME PAGE, marked the option of ” Exclude Slider post from Homepage posts?” , but nothing worked to me.

What would you recommend to me? because now I am working with a normal slideshow ousource, but i preffer yours…


guess you have tried to use WordPress built in Post page template but you need to select one of three I have created for this theme.

I see that you have set “Posts page” inside WP Dashboard → Settings → Reading but instead you have to leave it blank.

To setup blog you should use theme built-in Blog Page templates. You can use them when editing your Blog page. There is widget on the right side called “Page Attributes”.

Let me know if this helps.

I also tried what you told to me.
I already have the same problema.

In HOME Menú, i see the slideshow= Correct
In Post Menú, i see the slideshow= My problem.

I created new pages for the image, for the home page, for the post page, all combinations of propieties theme page (long post image, médium… ” of all of them.
I also marked and unmarken the option “exclude menú…”
Nothing worked to me.

Another problem i have seen, is that the menú doesn’t work in ” IPAD SAFARI IOS7″.


I am having a hard time understand what you are trying to achieve.

There are three blog templates for this theme. You can enable them via “Page attributes”.
If you see slider in your Blog Page, it is because you have selected “Posts page” inside WordPress Dashboard – Settings – Reading. But you MUST leave that option blank.

I just tested my theme again on iPad (Safari, iOS7) and menu works like it should. There were no issues at all. Probably you have made some customizations in code that have broken down theme functionality.

I have done what you told me and I still see the slider on the post page.

…inside WordPress Dashboard – Settings – Reading. But you MUST leave that option blank. ” -> Done, i put ” select “.

Then I went to “dashboard-theme customize- and in “static Front Page” i changed front page to “my HOME PAGE,” and post page to ” myPOST PAGE”.

The same problema, i see the slider on the blog menú.

Please create print screen from your WordPress dashboard – Settings – Reading and post it here.

In first step you described that you did it right and in the next step you screwed things up. :slight_smile: