Expand mobile menu permanently / Remove 'Site Search'

Dear developers,

thank you very much for developing such amazing wordpress themes! I would like to modify the menu in the mobile view and cannot find a proper solution:

  1. Instead of showing the mobile menu button the menu should be expanded permanently.

  2. The menu item ‘SITE SEARCH’ should be removed.

Thank you very much in advance.

Dear developers,

thank you very much for developing such amazing wordpress themes! I would like to modify the menu in the mobile view and cannot find a proper solution:

  1. Instead of showing the mobile menu button the menu should be expanded permanently.

  2. The menu item ‘SITE SEARCH’ should be removed.

Thank you very much in advance.

Hey there

Im so sorry for the delay :frowning:
let me answer on your questions

  1. unfortunately, this is not possible, a user must click on the hamburger menu to see the menu, only after this is possible to expand menu on small screen devices
  2. Please add this css snippet in appearance > customize > additional css

@media (max-width: 991px){
.module.widget-handle.search-widget-handle {
    display: none;

hey there

Sorry, but have you see my previous reply? :slight_smile:
i have already answered your questions

Thanks a lot for answering my questions. The additional css-snippet works fine! :slight_smile:

Thanks for updating

I will mark this case as resolved for now