Fashe theme. mobile shopping cart issue

Hi Team,
Have uploaded and using Fashe theme on Shopify and love it, but have stumbled across a shopping cart issue. When on the mobile format, once product is added to the cart, it says cart is empty, only after you have refreshed or changed page can you then access cart.

website is Salty Scallywags

Here are screen shots with notes of issue at hand. any help would be AMAZING.

Thanks so much for any help team.
Cheers, Aaron

Hi there

So sorry about that, this problem is already reported, we are waiting for the fix from the developer :frowning:

any news about this problem? I am experimenting the same issues and nobody can help me

Hi @omktheme im sorry but nothing at this moment :frowning:


Let me know is the Fashe theme. mobile shopping cart issue fixed on your site as i am also having the same issue on my store . Kindly let me know how to fix it .

@raman sorry, issue is not yet resolved, :frowning: