Footer - Child Theme

Hi -
For security reasons I want to hide that this is a WordPress site. So I want to edit the footer.

I have created a child theme and added this into functions.php

function custom_activello_footer_info() {
	global $activello_footer_info;
	printf( esc_html__( 'Theme by %1$s Powered by %2$s', 'activello' ) , 'TEST TEST', '<a href="" target="_blank">WordPress</a>');

However, the footer doesn’t change. Can you help me with this? Is there a page that has information on what functions to use to override certain items?


Hi there

“For security reasons, I want to hide that this is a WordPress site” - you need to find the name of the function in the parent theme and then hook it.
You may also use simple custom css to hide the text

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Hi - I’m new to WP but I have been programming in Drupal so I’m familiar with hooking. The function that does this is:

function activello_footer_info()

Can you tell me how to hook this function in WP?

CSS would only hide it visually and not from BOTS.


yes, it is, you need to hook into that fucntion

Can you tell me how to hook this function in WP?


@Johnish that’s the question of custom work unfortunately I cant support at this moment