Footer Copyright (customize)

Hello all,
ive choose this design over other pay or free themes because i like it simple and it does the job very perfect. (Cant describe its just awesome like ive dreamed)

well there is just a problem. I like to customize my footer (not powered by colorib and wordpress) instead i like to put the copyrights in the impressum.

So if you can show me how to change that it would helps me alot.

already tried to edit the footer.php and the footer-extensions.php but nothing changed :confused:

Best Regards


Hi Sativa,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

You can customize your footer copyrights text by using the solutions posted in the following replies.

Please advise if you have more questions.

Best Regards,

Thanks for the reply. Well i tried the first

downloaded your file customized it with “Test” instead of travelify and uploaded it in my wordpress plugin folder and activate it

now it shows this:

“Copyright © 2015 Sativa Power. Theme by Colorlib Powered by WordPress Custom text here.”

so theme by colorib and powered by wordpress is still there :confused:

Thank you

this is how your plugin file now looks
 did i missed something ? i would like to have a footer like thise
 copyright 2015 sativa power and nothing more

Thank you so much for investing your freetime
 i will show you my project as soon when i got this problem fixed

Plugin Name: Colorlib Plugin
Description: Quick Custom Solution Plugin for Implementing Custom Solution.
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Movin
Author URI:
License: GNU General Public License (Version 2 - GPLv2)

function customize_travelify_footer_info(){

remove_action( 'travelify_footer', 'travelify_footer_info', 30 );

add_action( 'travelify_footer', 'custom_travelify_footer_info', 32 );

add_action( ‘init’, ‘customize_travelify_footer_info’ );

  • function to show the footer info, copyright information
    function custom_travelify_footer_info() {
    echo ‘<div class=“copyright”>’.( ‘Copyright ©’, ‘Test’ ).’ ‘.date(‘Y’).’ ‘.travelify_site_link().’. '.( ‘Theme by’, ‘Test’ ).’ ‘.travelify_colorlib_link().’ ‘.( ‘Powered by’, ‘Test’ ).’ '.( ‘WordPress’, ‘Test’ ).’</div><!-- .copyright -->’;
    echo " Custom text here.";

Hi Sativa,

Thank you for your reply.

this is how your plugin file now looks.. did i missed something ? i would like to have a footer like thise.. copyright 2015 sativa power and nothing more..

I think “sativa power” is your site name so in this case you can use the first attached plugin but if it’s not your site name then you can use the second attached plugin.

Best Regards,