Footer misplaced on one page


After updating to Dazzling 2.0, the footer appears in the middle of the page on one single page of my website. I use a child theme with special code for that page, but I don’t know enough to understand how to change it in order to have the footer back to the bottom again.
Would much appreciate help!
Here is the link:

Hi @araca,

Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.

I troubleshooted your shared page and found that the page contains one closing Div tag which is not opened so it results in misplacing footer area.

Please make sure that the page content doesn’t contain any such tag. To ensure this try temporary deleting all content and adding some dummy test and see whether the footer on the page displaying fine.

Could you please share me your custom page template PHP file here so that i can troubleshoot its code on my test site?

Kind Regards,

Hello Movin, thank you for the quick answer!

I have deleted the content and replaced it with a simple text- the footer stayed the same, so it’s not in the content.

I’m not sure what you mean by “template php file”, is it the Dazzling child theme’s functions.php file you mean? If so, here it is:


// Make sure that parent theme style.css is loaded before Child Theme style.css
add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘dazzling_child_enqueue_styles’, 20 );
function dazzling_child_enqueue_styles() {
wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );



  • To exclude a post category- Oracle posts, category 44, from Blog page and Archives
    function exclude_category($query) {
    if ( $query->is_home || $query->is_archive) {
    $query->set(‘cat’, ‘-44’);
    return $query;
    add_filter(‘pre_get_posts’, ‘exclude_category’);


  • To use Soundcloud is Gold plugin instead of Jetpack Soundcloud
    if(function_exists(‘soundcloud_is_gold_shortcode’)) {
    add_shortcode(‘soundcloud’, ‘soundcloud_is_gold_shortcode’);


If you mean some other file, please explain where I can find it :slight_smile:
Thank you!

Hi @araca,

In your previous reply you said “I use a child theme with special code for that page” so i want to see that special code.

If you don’t know the exact file then please share me your while child theme directory.

Also have you have made any changes in the parent Dazzling theme files?


OK, I only have two files in the child theme folder, the functions.php file (the code I pasted above) and the style.css file with a lot of custom made stuff. Here is the content of this second file:

Theme Name: Dazzling Child
Theme URI:
Author: Colorlib
Author URI:
Description: Dazzling is a clean minimal and responsive WordPress theme well suited for travel, health, business, finance, design, art, personal and any other creative websites and blogs. Developed using Bootstrap 3 that makes it mobile and tablets friendly. Theme comes with full-screen slider, social icon integration, author bio, popular posts widget and improved category widget. Sparkling incorporates latest web standards such as HTML5 and CSS3 and is SEO friendly thanks to its clean structure and codebase. It has dozens of Theme Options to change theme layout, colors, fonts, slider settings and much more. Theme is also translation and multilingual ready and is available in Spanish. Sparkling is a free WordPress theme with premium functionality and design.
Version: 1.0.0
Template: dazzling
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Text Domain: dazzling
Domain Path: /languages/
Tags: green, light, white, gray, black, one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, fluid-layout, responsive-layout, photoblogging, left-sidebar, translation-ready, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, full-width-template, post-formats, theme-options, threaded-comments

This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the GPL.

Dazzling is based on Underscores, (C) 2012-2015 Automattic, Inc.


/* Your custom styles should go right after this line /

Welcome to Custom CSS!

To learn how this works, see
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#mepr_no_val {
display: none;

/* Change colors of Healing Room /
General styling Entrance Page */
.hrdiff {
background: #ffffff url( center;
background-size: 1000px 583px;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
} .row {
margin-right: -15px;
margin-left: -15px;
height: 583px;
} h1 a {
color: #60189b;
font-size: 50px;

/* General styling Fire Room */ {
background-color: #450100;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: repeat;

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color: #e3e3e3;

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border-color: #ddd;

/* Styling for Fire Room Drawing Board */
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cursor: crosshair;
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
background-color: #fbecdf;

/* Styling for Fire Room video accordion */
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background: #000000;

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border-width: 0;
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background-color: #450100;
border: 0 solid;

.page-id-1348 .snvdshc .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav {
border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;

/* General styling Water Room page */ {
background-color: #42ccca;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: repeat;

.page-id-1504 .panel-heading {
color: #1d206a;
background-color: #b5f1f0;
border-color: #ddd;

/* Styling of the video accordion in Water room */
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background: #42ccca;

.page-id-1504 .snvdshc .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel {
border-width: 0;
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background: #42ccca;
color: #222;

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background-color: #42ccca;
border: 0 solid;

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border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;

.page-id-1504 .video.wp-video-shortcode, .wp-video-shortcode video {
max-width: 700px;
display: inline-block;

.page-id-1504 .mejs-controls, .mejs-mediaelement .mejs-container {
background: url(’’) !important;
background-color: #222222 !important;

/* General styling Air Room page */ {
background-color: #c8e4f9;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: repeat;

.page-id-2033 #content .entry-title {
color: #4f189b;

.page-id-2033 {
color: #4f189b;

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color: #4f189b;

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color: #4f189b;

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color: #1d206a;
background-color: #fcfcfd;
border-color: #9867c1;

.page-id-2033 .page-header {
padding-bottom: 9px;
margin: 40px 0 20px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #9867c1;

/* Styling of video accordion in Air room */
.page-id-2033 .snvdshc .ui-widget-header {
background: #c8e4f9;

.page-id-2033 .panel-default {
border-color: #9867c1;

.page-id-2033 .snvdshc .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel {
border-width: 0;
background-color: #c8e4f9;

.page-id-2033 .snvdshc .ui-widget-content {
border: 1px solid #9867c1;
background: #c8e4f9;
color: #222;

.page-id-2033 .pre {
background-color: #c8e4f9;
border: 0 solid;

.page-id-2033 .snvdshc .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav {
border-bottom: 1px solid #9867c1;

/* General styling Earth Room */ {
background-color: #fbf0bf;
background-image: url(;
background-repeat: repeat;

.page-id-2094 .pfbc-buttons {
text-align: center;

.page-id-2094 .panel-heading {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #311808;
border-color: ##7b3102;

.page-id-2094 .page-header {
padding-bottom: 9px;
margin: 40px 0 20px;
border-bottom: 1px solid #D3BDAE;

/* Styling for Earth Room Drawing Board */
.page-id-2094 .awwcanvas canvas {
cursor: crosshair;
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
background-color: #faf6e6;

/* Styling for Earth Room video accordion */
.page-id-2094 .snvdshc .ui-widget-header {
background: #fbf0bf;

.page-id-2094 .snvdshc .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-panel {
border-width: 0;
background-color: #fbf0bf;

.page-id-2094 .snvdshc .ui-widget-content {
border: 1px solid #aaa;
background: #fbf0bf;
color: #222;

.page-id-2094 .pre {
background-color: #fbf0bf;
border: 0 solid;

.page-id-2094 .snvdshc .ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav {
border-bottom: 1px solid #AAAAAA;

/* Change colors of Oracle page /
Main Oracle page */ {
background-color: #0e083c;

.page-id-49 #content .entry-title {
color: #e3e3e3;

.page-id-49 {
color: #e3e3e3;

.page-id-49 h3 {
color: #e3e3e3;

.page-id-49 h4 {
color: #ffffff;

.page-id-49 .pfbc-buttons {
text-align: center;

.page-id-49 .panel-heading {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #3D3939;
border-color: #ddd;

/* Oracle answers page */ {
background-color: #0e083c;

.page-id-1547 #content .entry-title {
color: #e3e3e3;

.page-id-1547 {
color: #e3e3e3;

.page-id-1547 h3 {
color: #e3e3e3;

.page-id-1547 h3 a {
color: #62eff1;

.page-id-1547 h4 {
color: #ffffff;

.page-id-1547 .pfbc-buttons {
text-align: center;

.page-id-1547 .panel-heading {
color: #ffffff;
background-color: #3D3939;
border-color: #ddd;

/* Custom classes for the special PGP tables and notifications */
.pgpexercise {
background-color: #d3fdd6;
font-size: 14px;
color: #222a25;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #526854;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #d8d8d8;

.pgpmantra {
background-color: #f7edc0;
font-size: 14px;
color: #4c3520;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #b7aca3;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #d8d8d8;

.pgpmeditation {
background-color: #f2feb6;
font-size: 14px;
color: #4c3520;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #b7aca3;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #d8d8d8;

.pgpall {
background-color: #e8fdee;
font-size: 14px;
color: #222a25;
border: 1px solid;
border-color: #b1bab3;
border-radius: 3px;
box-shadow: 5px 5px 2px #d8d8d8;

/* Change audio player style - color for PGP pages /
change the color of the background */
.parent-pageid-25 .mejs-controls, .mejs-mediaelement .mejs-container {
background-color: #410f6b !important;

/* To help the Aww whiteboard show properly, custom code from creators */
.awwcanvas div.toolbar ul.navigation li a {
padding: 0;
border: 0;

.awwcanvas div.toolbar ul.navigation li a:hover {
padding: 0;
border: 0;

.awwcanvas div.toolbar ul.navigation {
overflow: visible;

.awwcanvas .whiteboard {
background: none !important;

/* Styling for the Special Sidebars widgets /
Styling - special widgets in sidebar on Prana healing page */
#text-5 {
background: #d4c5da;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px solid #60189b;
color: #2f2e2e;

#text-10 {
background: #c5d2da;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px solid #60189b;
color: #2f2e2e;

/* Styling - special widgets in sidebar on Counseling page */
#text-11 {
background: #d7f09b;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px solid #60189b;
color: #2f2e2e;

#text-12 {
background: #eef09b;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px solid #60189b;
color: #2f2e2e;

/* Styling - special widgets in sidebar on Life Coaching page */
#text-13 {
background: #d3ecb5;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px solid #60189b;
color: #2f2e2e;

#text-14 {
background: #f0f2f4;
padding: 8px;
border: 1px solid #60189b;
color: #2f2e2e;

/* Change styling of MemberPress group pricing page */
.mepr-price-box {
vertical-align: top;
background-color: #F7EAFC;
color: #420566;

/* Styling for the buttons, tabs and accordions made with Synved shortcode on product and usual pages./
Removed border, made font bold, made background white on accordion nav bar, increased font, etc */
.snvdshc .ui-widget-header {
border: 0 solid #aaa;
background: #ffffff;
color: #222;
font-weight: bold;

.ui-tabs .ui-tabs-nav {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;

.ui-helper-reset {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: 0;
outline: 0;
line-height: 1.3;
text-decoration: none;
font-size: 100%;
list-style: none;
color: #ffffff;

/* Removes sidebar from Woocommerce product pages */
.woocommerce #primary {
width: 100%;

.woocommerce #secondary {
display: none;

/* Makes the image on product page smaller, when removing the sidebar it became much too big */
.woocommerce div.product div.images img, .woocommerce #content div.product div.images img, .woocommerce-page div.product div.images img, .woocommerce-page #content div.product div.images img {
width: 80%;
height: auto;

/* Makes the image of related products much smaller on the product page */
.woocommerce .related ul li.product img, .woocommerce .related ul.products li.product img, .woocommerce .upsells.products ul li.product img, .woocommerce .upsells.products ul.products li.product img, .woocommerce-page .related ul li.product img, .woocommerce-page .related ul.products li.product img, .woocommerce-page .upsells.products ul li.product img, .woocommerce-page .upsells.products ul.products li.product img {
width: 50%;
height: auto;

/* Slight increase of image size in shop and on page with same category products, changed from 22.05 percent */
.woocommerce-page ul.products li.product {
float: left;
margin: 0 3.8% 2.992em 0;
padding: 0;
position: relative;
width: 24.05%;

Thank you!

Maybe I should add that the code referring to that particular page is this part:

/* Change colors of Healing Room /
General styling Entrance Page */
.hrdiff {
background: #ffffff url( center;
background-size: 1000px 583px;
font-size: 30px;
text-align: center;
} .row {
margin-right: -15px;
margin-left: -15px;
height: 583px;
} h1 a {
color: #60189b;
font-size: 50px;

Hi @araca,

Please don’t share this much code in the topic which results in making the topic messy instead please zip the files and attached them to the reply as shown in the attached screenshot or you can use code sharing service like

I don’t see any culprit in the shared code.

In your previous reply you said “I use a child theme with special code for that page” so i want to see that special code.

What is that exactly?

Also could you please answer my following question that i asked preciously?

Also have you have made any changes in the parent Dazzling theme files?

Please try temporary using Dazzling theme instead of its child theme to confirm whether this is the issue of child theme.

If the issue persists even using Dazzling theme then please try deleting and reinstalling fresh version of that theme.

Best Regards,

Hi again,

Sorry for the long posts, feel free to delete or edit them (I can’t find a way to do it myself).
To answer your questions:

  1. The special code of the child theme I mentioned IS the code I pasted above in my second long reply. So I was talking about the style.css file of my child theme which you can see above.

  2. No, I haven’t made any changes in the parent Dazzling theme.

  3. I have removed the content of this style.css file leaving it blank. All the styling vanished of course, and the footer returned to its bottom position. So the problem should be something involving this style.css code I guess.

Please note: Everything worked fine with the child theme until I updated to Dazzling 2.0. So the code above worked fine before, but something happened when I updated the theme.

I hope this info helps. Let me know what else I can do. Thank you for your patience and help!

Hi @araca,

Thank you for your patience here.

I could troubleshoot the issue and to resolve it please try adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Dazzling Options -> Other -> Custom CSS #content .row {
    height: auto;

Best Regards,

Yes, it worked! I’m very grateful :slight_smile: Thank you so much Movin.
Wishing you all the best!

You are most welcome here :slight_smile:

Thanks for sharing I working on this forum for the experiance

Hey there

Ok, I will mark this case as resolved and will close it, please start a new ticket if you have any questions.
