Full Screen on homepage

How do I make only the homepage on full screen width?
I don’t want to change the widths of other pages and posts.
Could you please advise me how to do this? Thanks in advance!


It can be done but I need to see your current setup for website, so please post your website URL and I will write a Custom CSS for it.

Oh thank you for that! my website is:

You are now using WPtouch Mobile Plugin which overrides both mobile and desktop website of yours and there is no styling taken from theme itself.

If you want to continue to use WPtouch Mobile Plugin for both desktop and mobile that’s fine but I can’t assist with tweaking it as it is not my plugin.

Ah, okay I got it. I don’t want to remove Wptouch plugin so I’ll give the full screen width.
Thanks a lot anyway for your support! You’ve been very helpful:)