Get spotify in social links

Hello, good afternoon.

Thank you for UNITE, it’s an amazing theme, I’m very happy with it. I would ask one question about it.

  1. I would like to know how can I put spotify in the social links, with pinterest, facebook etc…

Thank you so much!


Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate it!

Add your link to Spotify profile to in field called “RSS Feed”. You will find it along other social link options. Now when it is done you will see RSS icon but since you don’t use it, we can simply replace it with Spotify icon via CSS.

You can get this done by adding this code to Theme Options - Other - Custom CSS.

.social_icon.fa-rss:before {
    content: "\f1bc";

Oh! Thank you so much! It seem very nice :slight_smile:

I like it!

One more question. I had the heart icon like separation between posts, and I would like to change it for another icon, like globe (gliphycon) it’s possible?


To change heart icon to Globe (from Font Awesome icons not Glyphicons) you can use this code in Theme Options – Other – Custom CSS

hr.section-divider:after {
    content: "\f0ac";

.social_icon.fa-rss:before {
content: “\f1bc”;

I did it and now appear “f1bc” but… how can I change this for a mail icon?

.social_icon.fa-rss:before {
	content: “\f003”;

Code given above will replace RSS icon with Mail icon from fontawesome library. Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

This doesnt work for me… before that appear the code next to the icons, now appear the RSS icon again.

Could you please tell me the file and the line where i can find the code and try to change it for myself?

Thx so so so much!! :smiley:

I tried to change it from “font-awesome.min” directly but still not working…