Get the answer button back


I have activated the nested comments to 4th level, so that they don’t become too small.
But the 4th level comments don’t have the answer button :frowning:

Exemple here:

So what I want to do is to get this button back, and that answers to 4th level will also be 4th level.

Any idea ?

Thanks :slight_smile:

That’s exactly how it works for all WordPress themes because this behavior is controlled by WordPress core. Themes only applies styling for these comments.

You can see that even on our websites it works the same way.

This might be confusing but I don’t have a solution for that.

By clicking on respons which is one level up. If the thread gets really long then it becomes even more confusing. But it would be also confusing if reply button would be there but reply would not get threaded becaus answer would not be threaded below one you would click on if it exceeds thread limit.

I will mark this case as resolved