Google Analytics not working

I have added the code manually into the header.php, first in the child theme, then in the parent theme and then resorted to using a plugin.
I checked each time looking at the source code through my browser that the header was there and in the right place (you can check for yourself , yet Google Analytics is still telling me ‘tracking is not installed’??
I assume its a theme issue and not a google issue as when I tried all the above on my other wordpress sites it worked.
Any help? Google analytics is a pretty important function I want on the site.

Ok so I managed to sort it, seemed to be a problem with a plugin ‘photo dropper’ that I have now disabled.

Thank you for letting me know what caused this issue and I hope others will find it useful as well.

The time I checked your website I noticed that analytics were installed without any issues but it didn’t come in my mind that plugins could cause javaScript conflicts with Google Analytics. This plugin needs some heavy bug fixing.