Header image not responsive

Hi there,
I have just changed the header image (2 slide images) using the 1920x532 size.
Since I had changed CSS I have reset it with new sizes.
The image doesn’t appear on its complete display (the image is cut on all sides)
On the mobile the image is not responsive so is displayed only the center
Thank you for your support

Hi there

Let me see it, please always include link to your website in the question


Thank you for your kind response
The link: https://www.romafilmstudio.it/

Hi there

Im sorry but there is no way to show such a long image on the mobile without cropping it, this is not possible, sorry :frowning:

Hi there,
how can I show it? Changing the size?
Thank you


Im sorry, but as I said this is not possible, this slider does not have option to show different images for mobile, you also use images that are long and with bussy content that looks bad when resized


thanks anyway

You are welcome and thanks for understanding :slight_smile:
