Header Navigation Menu Adjustment

Good Day!

I have a lot of menu on my header, and my problem is my menu and logo doesn’t look proportion.

Please see attached image


anyone can help please :frowning:

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

Could you please provide a link to your website so that I can inspect the menu and test some possible solutions?

Best Regards,

Here you go https://www.hdprodmcc.ae/.

Please help thankyou

Any news ?
Url: https://www.hdprodmcc.ae/

Update: here’s my additional CSS Code

You can add your own CSS here.

Click the help icon above to learn more.


nav#site-navigation {
    background: black;
    border: 0;

	background-color: transparent;
.wg-drop.country-selector a{
	color: white;

#menu li a{
    color: #fff;
    font-family: Meiryo;
		font-size: 16px;


#menu ul{
	background: transparent;

/*Change active and hover color*/
.dropdown-menu>.active>a {
    background-color: #000 !important;
    color: #855aa5 !important;
.dropdown-menu a:hover{
   background-color: transparent !important;
    color: red !important;

/*Increase logo size*/

.logo {
   	max-height: 150px	;	
		width:  150px;

/*Button color*/
.image-bg .btn.btn-filled {
    background: red;
    border-color: red;

#shapely_home_features-3 h3 {
background-color: black;
color: #fff;
font-family: Meiryo ;
font-size: 48px;

#shapely_home_features-3 h4 {

color: #fff;
font-family: Meiryo ;
font-size: 21px;

i.fa {
    color: #f24b4b !important;


#services h5:hover, #services i.fa:hover {
color: #035359 !important;


#shapely_home_parallax-9 h3{
	color: white;


#shapely_home_testimonial-3 h3 {
	color: black;

#shapely_home_testimonial-3 p {
	color: black;

#shapely_home_testimonial-3 strong {
	color: black;
#shapely_home_testimonial-3 flex-next {
	color: black;


#shapely_home_clients-3 {
	background-color: white !important;


.post-type-423 .header-callout {
display: none !Important;

/*Footer Credibility*/
text-align: center;

Hello there,

I hope you are doing well today.

You can use the following CSS code to shift the menu to the left by going to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and pasting it there.

/*Shift menu to the left*/
.nav-bar .module-group {
    float: left;

Best Regards,


Thanks for this workaround, But after applying this workaround my navigation menu is not scrolling on mobile phone.
On desktop view it’s fine.


Hello there,

Please try the following CSS code to fix the menu:

/*Navigation menu*/
nav#site-navigation {
    z-index: 20;
    position: fixed;

Best Regards,

Thank You!!! :slight_smile:

Hello there,

I am glad the solution worked for you.
Please feel free to contact us again in the future regarding any other issues.

Best Regards,