Homepage widgets and full width

Somethings have changed in the theme and I can’t figure out what??? I have made some extra CSS, but it all looked as i expected and wihes for at a point.
Now I have trouble with:

  1. the homepage. I have added 3 parralax sections for homepage - but only 2 is showing. The one in the top is missing. This is the page: http://firmayoga-kolding.dk/
  2. On the rest of the pages it seems like some sort of container is missing and everything is in fullwidth and with no padding.
    Can you please help me identify the issues, so I can fix them. Thank you - Ann

Hey there,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

Did the issue occur after an update?
Also, can you temporarily remove any additional CSS you’ve added and check to see if any of the sections return?

Best regards,

Thank you for your reply. I dit remove all the additional CSS - but the where not the cause of the problem. But I found the course in the header, where i did make some changes :wink:

Hello there,

Great work on finding the cause.
Were you able to solve the problem? Please let us know if you still need help.

Best Regards,