How do I add hyperlink underline to blog posts only and not entire site


I have the following code on my wordpress blog in CSS for underlining hyperlinks:

a {
     color: #DAAE90;
  font-weight: bold;
a {
  text-decoration: none;
  border-bottom: #DAAE90 0.125em solid;

Can you please guide me as to where in the code I have I should insert another code to remove the hyperlinks from all the places on my blog except my blog posts? I am new to CSS and I don’t know where the new code should be inserted.

Hi there

Your code is not entirely correct, can you tell me what is your goal?
Also, please include direct link to the page/post


My goal is to have my hyperlinks in my blog posts only, to be underlined and colored in the highlighted color that is currently on my blog posts for hyperlinks. See the attached image as an example of the style of underline hyperlink that I want for my blog.

Here is a link to a post in my blog. At the top of my blog, you will see every section of my blog is underlined in gold. I want to remove all those hyperlinks and only have hyperlinks on the links in my blog post.

Thank you,

Hi Chloe

Its not our theme, you need to contact to the theme author
