How to center adsense blow posts titles

Hi Movin,

Thanks again for all your help on this site.

Currently, I would like to center my adsense which are under the title of posts. Also, I am working via a child theme (content-single.php file is included). Any suggestions to make this happen?

Thanks in advance,

WP: current
Site: curlyafrodotcom
Dazzling: current

Hi @4alex,

I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.

I visited your site but didn’t find the adsense under the title of posts.

Could you please share the screenshot of it?

Kind Regards,

Hi Movin,

Trust you are well and thanks for your response.

Please find attached the screenshot of the current adsense placement. Again, I wish for it to be centered.

WP: Current
Dazzling: Current (plus working via dazzling child theme)
Site: curlyafrodotcom


Again i visited your site but didn’t find the adsense ad there as shown in the attached screenshot.

I am from India. Are you targeting the ad for specific geographical location?

Hi Movin,

Thanks for your reply.

To my knowledge, I am not targeting the ads based on geographical location. I will look into on my end, and get back to you.

Thanks in advance,

Hi @4alex,

The ad is displaying for me now and you can center align it by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS option of your theme on the below path.

Admin Area -> Appearance -> Customize -> Dazzling Options -> Other -> Custom CSS

.entry-header ins.adsbygoogle {
    margin: 0 auto;
    display: block !important;

Best Regards,

Thanks Movin; worked perfectly! Not sure if it was the border around the content area, but once I removed it, the ads showed up across devices.

Thanks again!

One more thing Movin; can I use the same code if the adsense is directly above the post (not directly below the title)?


WP: current
Site: curlyafrodotcom
Dazzling: current (child)

One more thing Movin; can I use the same code if the adsense is directly above the post (not directly below the title)?

Yes you can use the same code but if it doesn’t work then please use the following code.

ins.adsbygoogle {
    margin: 0 auto;
    display: block !important;