How to change amount of display latest posts?


  1. I would like to leave only one big post format on my home page. At the moment I have two posts by default. How to change it?

  2. Moreover, how to increase amount of the other (smaller) posts?

Sorry for my bad english, I attached images for that.

Im actually looking into something similar, so I will be watching this topic.

I want to remove the two “highlighted” posts, so I only display posts side by side.

But I havn’t found a solution yet.

If you find solution, please write it here :slight_smile: . I search for this but can’t discover… I hope, support will help us.

I still haven’t found a solution.

Hoping support or someone else can help…

Sorry for bumping this thread but i’m still struggling to find a solution to this problem…

I really hope someone can help.

So I have been able to figure this out. But this will require you to change something directly in the code for the theme.

If you wish to do this, log in to your wordpress website, select Appearance on the left hand menu and given that you have the “Activello” theme already activated select Editor. Here on the right hand side there will be a list of file names try to find the file that has the name of template-tags.php and click on it. The source for that will now be loaded in the editor.

Go over to line number 18 which should read something like below. This line is very close to the top and sitting inside the first function.

if ( $GLOBALS['wp_query']->max_num_pages < 2 )

change that line to say

if ( $GLOBALS['wp_query']->max_num_pages < 3 )

Once you change the 2 to a 3, click on “Update File” button and go visit your site. Now you should have more posts showing up.

Using this solution I was able to get 2 main posts and more of the small ones to show up just like you want. This gave me 8 small posts, but what I noticed is that the navigation in the bottom had disappeared.

So I switched back the 3 to 2 and navigation re-appeared and the number of small posts being displayed is now 8 for me, it did not go back to having 4 small post like original theme has.

I really have no clue how it is able to stay at higher post even when going back to the same number we started with. But in short switch that 2 to a 3 update your file and after that change that 3 back to a 2. This small hack will give you what you desire.

Please remember try to increment the number by 1 here if you need more posts to show up, because if you put in like say 9 in the start and now you want a lower count to show up, we would have no idea how to reduce it.

Have Fun! :slight_smile:

Thank you for your time and answer.

Unfortunately it doesn’t solve my problem. I still have my to latest posts displayed as large posts. I only want my posts display side-by-side as the small posts and I can’t figure out a way to change the layout for my to latest posts.

It’s really starting to bug me :slight_smile:

So I messed around with this all night - but still havn’t found a solution.

I can see that the to first posts which I want to display in another way uses:
.blog.home .page-1
.blog.home .page-1

While the other posts which is displayed the way I want all my posts to be uses:

But I can’t figure out how to change the layout for first-child and nth-child(2) so it has the same layout as nth-child(even/odd).

Another solution could be to change the two mains posts style to even/odd but I can’t figure out how that’s done either.

The funny thing is that on my page two with the older posts everything is displayed just the way I want to. But again all the posts on page two uses

Is there a solution to change the two newest/main posts to even/odd layout?

I finnally found a solution. Maybe not the smartest, but it seems to have solved my problem.

In style.css I change the following:

.blog.home .page-1{
padding-right: 25px;
.blog.home .page-1 {
padding-left: 25px;

And then I deleted the border and the “read more” text for first-child and nth-child(2).