How to change excerpt length for Pinbin WordPress theme

Great theme! I have two questions: how do you control the amount of text in the except (in the front page) and is there a way to make permalinks in other languages (specifically български, bulgarian:), which – when used – doesn’t seem to link to the page? Thanks!

Thanks – it’s a deal for the translation! I am actually using PinBin (Travelify is also great), and things are a bit different here (no such excerpts controls?). Also, I was wondering how can I remove the pinbin-image (the head image) from the individual posts (because I am using galleries and it would look better this way)? Thanks, again!

Since Travelify theme is not yet available in Bulgarian language you will have to translate it yourself. Here is a detailed tutorial on how to translate it: How to translate a WordPress theme including Shapely & Illdy - Colorlib

If you will translate it completely you can send me your translation file and I will add it to the default theme installation. I will provide a link back to your website from as reward.

Excerpt length you can adjust by placing Excerpt manually when editing post. There should be a box called “Excerpt” underneath Post edit page. If you can see that you can enable it via “Screen Options” in the upper right corner.

If you want to automate this process you can use filter for Excerpt length. You can read more about it here:
Code related to Excerpts you can find inside content-extensions.php located in Theme folder – library – structure.

The same Excerpt rules apply for Pinbin theme except there is no Blog templates. Manual Excerpts via Post Edit screen and Excerpt filters will still work.

You can remove image form Singe Post by adding this to style.css

.single.single-post .pinbin-image {
display: none;