How to change 'Read more' and search button colour

Hi. New WP user here. Love the simple theme. I’ve read the doco and searched these forums but I can’t work out how to change the colour of the ‘Read more’ button and search button (magnifying glass). Can it be done?


Inside your WordPress dashboard go to Appearance - Theme Options - Main and change color for “Element color” and “Element color on hover”. I guess titles are self explanatory for these functions.

That worked, thank you very much. I really appreciate your quick response, too. Sorry but I was looking for a setting with “button” on the title.

my question is how to Change READ MORE into something like “viac”, so i mean the text part. :slight_smile:


You should follow this guide to translate this or any other WordPress theme.

If you fully translate this theme, please send translation to us and we will add it to theme installation. ou will also get featured on our Contributors page.

Thank you!

Hi Aigars,

Great theme! I am using it for a personal blog.

Currently, my red “read more” button has white text. I would like that to change to yellow with black text. The “element color” and “element color on hover” switches do not have a related text color switch. Is there a setting that I am overlooking or must that be resolved with custom css?

You can change read more button color to yellow and text to black by adding this custom CSS to field that you can find under Theme Options - Other - Custom CSS. These are only sample colors and you can use any color code you want. {
  background: #ff0;
  border-color: #ff0;
  color: #111;

Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

So nice of you to follow up so quickly! Yes, that was what I was looking for, thank you!