Hi, I am trying to create a custom header and it seems like it’s supposed to be one of your options (#3) but it seems to be missing. This is the result I am trying to achieve: http://wellness.stelter.com/ (logo on the left and the tagline on the right).
Thanks for pointing this out!
Theme supported Custom Header but I had to remove it completely because I found a bug before it went live. However, custom header will be back in the next theme version which will be released next week or week after.
Sorry for my inconvenience!
The header option still appears to be disabled as nothing happens when I click “upload”… do you have any updates? Do I need to uninstall to get the update?
Is there an option for Logo and tagline now? I have so much whitespace to the right of the logo under the social media icons, even after resizing our logo. Thanks!