How to get demo content manually


I installed the theme into my wordpress installation and that worked great. I watched the documentation videos on how to get the demo content, but there is/was no button to install the demo content under Recommended Actions.

I installed and activated all recommended plugins.

In the customizer I set the start page to static, but since there was no demo content I set it to a static test site I made. But the front page isn’t showing any of the nice stuff from the theme, even though all is activated in the customizer.

Now my question is there another way to get the demo content, or a way to build a static start page by oneself that loads all the front page stuff like the pie diagrams?



I hope you are doing well today.

Could you please send an image of the recommended actions tab?

Best Regards,

Thanks for the reply!

Here’s the screenshot.

Hey there

Lennie, once you import demo content first time you will be not able to import it a second time from the recommended action tab, you have to reset current installation if you want to try import again

Hi Noda,

thanks for the reply. The problem is, there is no demo content. In the video 2 “How to Import Pixova Lite Demo Content.” it is shown that one should set the start page to static and chose Homepage as page. Exactly that page is missing. Is that not part of the demo content?

Do you have to create a start page on your own? I tried, but again I cannot get all the cool start page stuff from the theme to load…nothing is showing. Attached a screenshot from the site (zoomed out) as you can see no pie charts or anything…and all of them are activated in the customizer!


have you seen our vide on about demo content on this page?